Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lazy Food#2 - Prosciutto with Grissini

Another food, or rather snack food for the lazy folks.
Simply just wrap Prosciutto (Dry cured ham) around Grissini (Italian bread stick)

There are nicer Prosciutto around, but I need to pay a premium for them ahhh but I need to think of my budgets :(

Anyway, these are fine for an occasion indulgence during office breaks. And really, create stares in the office, wondering why I'm eating raw meat sashimi on giant glico stick. LOLz

Perhaps I just need more practice more on my wrapping skills so I can create a more presentable glico sashimi stick for photography ;P

=== THE END ===


imp said...

it looks great!!! how to go neater?>?! i can't!

FML said...

can't be, I thought ladies will be better at handling delicate things?

I had torn the prosciutto while trying to separate each slice. that's why it looks a bit messy.