Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hit & Run

Like what you see? Certainly not me! This isn't a posed shot of scooter lying down on its side. Some crooks had done a bad 3 point turn and hit not 1, but 3 bikes. Unfortunately, that happens to be my bike (or scooter)!

I wasn't around, fortunately the other owners had already reported to the police before I discovered this dreadful deed on my scooter.

While the act had not being caught got on security camera, the suspected vehicle & number plate was recorded.

I'm going to be busy for days next week. Hopefully we'll nab that culprit and undo whatever damages done to my scooter. Needless to say, we'll be claiming his insurance!



Old Beng said...

Eh... what's your plate numbers?

FML said...

hahahaha don't waste your money buying 4D lah ;)

Anonymous said...

oh dear. hope you sort it out and the bike's not too badly dented.

FML said...

~imp, well at least it can still move. the dented fairings would require replacement. probably will need 2 weeks before all these are finally sorted out