Friday, January 2, 2009

Mr Lazy Found!

I guess every matter gotta have a proper closure. So here is it, my final blog post!

I remembered when I first started blogging, my primary objective was to discover myself. I tried many silly stuffs, and ditched most of them. And eventually stick only to travel, food & photography, which I'm still enjoying every single bit.

However,it is not until my life & work become severely imbalance that I started to thinking about reinventing a new lifestyle so that I could REALLY enjoy living, not working. And that's how I started trying to find my perfect "Mr Lazy" lifestyle.

And so finally, here I am, ready to (try) living my new life & ready to spread my wings to fly once again. Also, blogging gotta go since I don't really enjoy blogging and finding it wasted much of my precious time.

A New Year for a brand New Start! How Wonderful! :)
GOODBYE! Cheers~~~~~~!!!!!!

p.s: Food for thought which I find it inspiring, and hopefully you too!


Old Beng said...

From Slurps to FindingMrLazy and you are calling it quits?!?!?!

sobz.... 1 lesser well-written blog to read.

Do come back and write once in a while to at least update avid reader like me la.

Anyway, all the best to you and hope that we can meet up one fine day for a makan or 2, if you don't mind.

Thanks for the wonderful blog posts all this while :)

FML said...

Old Beng,
Thanks for such a avid reader.
but for next few years, I've planned to focus on more important stuffs in my life ~ so blogging gonna go :)

I'm sure you are not lacking of quality blogs to read ;P

p.s: lim kopi can lah, one of these days when I'm out of the rat race :)

Old Beng said...

>> p.s: lim kopi can lah, one of these days when I'm out of the rat race

Huh!!! Must wait until you retire?